
version 1.0.2


- Added database default charset and set names in SQL export
- Added CSV export saving to more tables
- Fix SQL export type more rows to one query
- Fix some small bugs

version 1.0.1


- Enter in limit Edits refreshs table
- Popupmenu in tablelist
- Fixed alter/create database dialog
- Fixed default detection in alter table diaog

version 1.0.0


- added tabs for list of tables and data
- added pause button to Processlist
- added database and multitable export
- added CSV export
- added selection export
- better SQL export
- extended data table selection
- changed send button caption
- repaired tree refresh
- repaired Favorites SQL

version 0.9.9

- added favorites in SQL window
- added save SQL Window content
- added popup menu for column header
- added minimize column
- added action go to column
- added create table
- added alter table
- added popup menu functions to SQL log
- added restore last state on startup
- better process window
- optimalized log displaying
- repaired fulltext searching
- repaired some small bugs

version 0.9.8

- added operations with databases
- added SQL syntax highlighting
- added autocomplete in SQL window
- added process list - modified connection dislog
- modified menu and toolbar
- fixed memory alocation bug
- fixed lot of bugs

version 0.9.2

- add sort and filter remembering
- auto open connection dialog
- fix some bugs

version 0.9.0

- compiled in Turbo Delphi
- from MySQL version up to 4.1 differents encodings
- better MySQL export
- online update
- better working with filter
- fix some bugs